LABBS Novice Chorus Award

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LABBS have a novice chorus award / highest placed chorus with the highest percentage of new members, which is awarded each year at their annual convention.

The original trophy was donated by Reading Ladies Barbershop Singers to the Novice Chorus with the highest marks with a later criterion added that at least 75% of the chorus must be competing for the first time in a LABBS contest. The trophy has now been replaced by a trophy donated by Oxford (previously Wantage) Barbershop Harmony Club, the last winners of the Reading Barberettes Trophy.

From 2014 the trophy is awarded to the chorus with highest percentage of new LABBS members who are competing for the first time in any convention run by a barbershop organisation. It is calculated by adding the simple percentage of new members on stage (e.g. a chorus of 30 which includes 6 new members has 20% new members) to the inverse number of the rank achieved. The highest score wins and in the event of a tie, the trophy is awarded to the chorus with the highest percentage of new members.

Year Chorus Chapter Director
2015 Yours in Harmony
2014 Cheshire Chord Company Warrington Jo Braham
2013 Affinity Show Chorus Lesley Carson
2012 Not awarded
2011 Not awarded
2010 Not awarded
2009 Not awarded
2008 Not awarded
2007 Welwyn Harmony
2006 Not awarded
2005 Ridgeway Harmony
2004 Not awarded
2003 Main Street Sound
2002 Not awarded
2001 Fascinating Rhythm
2000 Green Street Blues

See Also