New MexiChords

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The New Mexichords is the Albuquerque Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

The chorus is based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is currently directed by Jamie Arrington.


After an abortive attempt in 1946, the Albuquerque Chapter was established as the Albuquerque Chorus in 1950. It became the Duke City Chorus (reflecting Albuquerque's nickname) before settling on New Mexichords in 1960. The Albuquerque Chorus held its first annual show, "First Annual Harmony Rodeo", in September, 1952. It was at this show where its sponsor, the El Paso Chapter, presented the chorus's charter. The chorus marks its anniversary on this event, celebrating 60 years in September, 2012.

Notable Quartets

The Lads of Enchantment formed from the Albuquerque Chorus only two years after its first show. Within three years, they became BHS International Quartet Champions in 1957.

Bank Street formed from the New Mexichords in 1985. They competed internationally 16 times from 1985 until 2000, earning six medals, including a silver medal in the 1989 International Quartet Championship.

District Participation

When the Albuquerque Chorus first formed, it was a member of the Southwest District (SWD). When formed in 1978, the New Mexichords were brought into the Rocky Mountain District (RMD). A group of dedicated members, including a few long-standing members and several new members, pushed for the chorus to improve the quality of its singing and performance. The New Mexichords first became RMD Chorus Champions in 1986 and continued to do so in 1987, 1988, and 1989.

See Also

External Links